Fulfillment Services
An effective B2B telemarketing program is the core of your company's growth strategy. But an effective lead generation program often benefits from other pieces being in place, or from coordinated development or implementation with other elements from the marketing mix and sales function. JV/M can provide you with a one-stop shop for solutions that work, and work together, including:
- Direct mail programs
- Web site development
- Public Relations campaigns
- Sales force recruiting and coaching
- Trade show booth development and support
- Collateral Material
- Advertising
- Writing case histories
- Fulfillment services
- E-Marketing programs
- And More.
Working with our own in-house experts, as well as with a carefully selected – and, more importantly, carefully managed – pool of third-party vendors, JV/M is your turn-key solution to making sales.
Because that's what it's all about.